Mrs Griffiths (1G) and Miss Miles (1M) Mrs Parry and Mrs McNulty welcome you to Year 1.
Year 1 Curriculum Intent:
We want our children to be open minded, independent, respectful, resilient, active, creative and forward thinking.
Please refer to Google Classroom for Home Learning activities.
Should you need a copy of your login, please speak to a member of the Y1 team.
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
English | RWInc: pink storybooks, purple storybooks, green storybooks, red ditty books, magnetic boards | RWInc: pink storybooks, purple storybooks, green storybooks, red ditty books, magnetic boards | RWInc: pink storybooks, purple storybooks, green storybooks, red ditty books, magnetic boards |
SPAG | S.P.A.G.: Introducing Punctuation Introducing Sentences Sentence Structure | S.P.A.G.: Introducing Punctuation Introducing Sentences Sentence Structure | S.P.A.G.: - add prefixes and suffixes: using –ing, –ed, –er and –est where no change is needed in the spelling of root words [for example, helping, helped, helper, eating, quicker, quickest] |
Reading | READING: Fiction Guess What? Poetry Sensational Senses Non-fiction Who Lives Here? Live Poetry Star! | READING: Listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently. | READING: Being encouraged to link what they read or hear read to their own experiences. Recognising and joining in with predictable phrases. Learning to appreciate rhymes and poems, and to recite some by heart. |
Writing | WRITING: Hold a sentence, build a sentence, handwriting, writing activity linked to text | WRITING: Hold a sentence, build a sentence, handwriting, writing activity linked to text | WRITING: Saying out loud what they are going to write about. Composing a sentence orally before writing it. Sequencing sentences to form short narratives. Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense. |
Maths | MATHEMATICS: | MATHEMATICS: Multiplication and division Fractions | MATHEMATICS: Position and direction Measurement (Length and height) Multicplication and division - money Fractions Measurement (Time) |
PSHE | PSHE: Being me in my world Covered through class charter in welcome week. Celebrating Difference Gingerbread people display | PSHE: Dreams and Goals Children will begin to understand how to set simple goals and strategies to achieve them. Healthy me Children will learn about Being Healthy and will begin to understand the difference between being healthy and unhealthy, and know some ways to keep themselves healthy. | PSHE: Relationships Families Making Friends Greetings Changing me Life cycles Changing Me My Changing Body |
Science | Science: Seasonal Changes Animals Including Humans Uses of Everyday Materials | Science: Seasonal Changes Animals Including Humans Uses of Everyday Materials Plants | Science: Seasonal Changes Plants Animals Including Humans Uses of Everyday Materials |
Computing | COMPUTING We are treasure hunters | COMPUTING: We are storytellers We are painters
| COMPUTING: We are TV Chefs We are collectors |
Geography History | HISTORY: What was life like when our grandparents were children? Why do we remember the 5th November? GEOGRAPHY: What’s it like where we live? Local environment (Near & Far) | GEOGRAPHY: What Are Seasons? | GEOGRAPHY: Where does our food come from? HISTORY: Our Local Heroes |
Music | MUSIC: Hey You Rhythm in the way we walk and the banana rap | MUSIC: In the Groove Round and Round | MUSIC: Your Imagination Reflect, Rewind and Replay |
Art | ART: Earth Art: Collecting natural materials from the local environment (During park visit) DESIGN TECHNOLOGY: We are Mechanical Slide and Lever Designers
| DESIGN TECHNOLOGY: We are Mechanical Wheel and Axle Designers
ART: Colour creations | ART: African Art
DESIGN TECHNOLOGY: We are Drink Designers
RE | 1.7 What does it mean to belong to a faith community? Christians, Muslims and Jewish people | 1.6 How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times? Christians,Muslims and Jewish people 1.4 How can we learn from sacred books? Christians,Muslims and Jewish people | 1.5 What makes some places sacred? Christians,Muslims and Jewish people |
PE | P.E. Coordination: Footwork Static Balance : One leg Dynamic Balance to Agility - Jumping and landing Static Balance : Seated | P.E. P.E. Dynamic Balance (On a line) Static Balance (Stance) Coordination (Ball skills) Counter balance (With partner) | P.E. Coordination : Sending and receiving Agility : Reaction and response Agility : Ball chasing Static Balance : Floor work. |
Spanish | SPANISH: Greetings/ Numbers to 20/ Colour / Animals | SPANISH: Counting / colours / animals/ greetings | SPANISH: Colours / Greetings / food / toys |