Find out more about our Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact by clicking here!
Our Mission Statement
We aim to ensure that Lawrence Community Primary School is a life-long learning community:
where effective teaching and learning take place and there is fairness for all
where all our children achieve their full potential
where we equip all our children to become responsible members of society
where everyone is valued
Curriculum Intent
Our teachers start with their CURRICULUM OVERVIEW of what they intend to teach the children. They make sure the children aquire the correct SKILLS and and make PROGRESS throughout our curriculum each year. Finally, they ensure there is enough STICKY KNOWLEDGE taught through our engaging curriculum and provide learning opportunities for our children to:
demonstrate RESILIENCE in their learning have flexibility to make choices
have the opportunity to take risks have the chance to make useful mistakes
be given opportunities for questioning and curiosity have extended opps for interaction and dialogue
allow learners to become INDEPENDENT have time to explore and be CREATIVE
be able to focus on big ideas and be FORWARD THINKING be able to make connections with the real world
have fun and be ACTIVE during lessons to be OPEN MINDED and challenging beliefs and perceptions in a safe and RESPECTFUL manner
Curriculum Implementation
At Lawrence Community Primary School, our children are entitled to:
· a curriculum that is engaging and allows them to work both individually and collaboratively in order to reach their full potential
· a curriculum that provides educational visits every year
· a curriculum that provides a wide range of extra-curricular activities and clubs
· a curriculum that is enhanced through high quality resources and a language/vocabulary rich environment
Curriculum Impact
At Lawrence Community Primary School we believe in a broad and balanced curriculum where all subjects are valued equally and children’s individuality and creativity is encouraged.
A broad and balanced curriculum built around curiosity, independence collaboration and high expectations will equip our children with the knowledge and skills required for adult life.
The outcomes of our curriculum are clearly identified and achieved through the application of knowledge and skills which are reinforced through practice, consolidation and challenge.
The aim of our curriculum is that our children are inquisitive, curious, independent and able to work collaboratively demonstrating the values of equality, fairness and respect.
Our curriculum is delivered using quality resources within a safe, vibrant and language rich environment where everybody is valued and diversity is celebrated.
Our Monitoring reported that teachers are demonstrating good subject knowledge and develop positive relationships. All groups of pupils are making progress and are engaged and the teachers give opportunities within lessons to challenge pupils’ understanding. When this was not observed, it became a monitoring target for the individual teacher concerned was re-visited in addition to the next monitoring cycle. In 100% of cases the point re-visited had been successfully improved. Still a recurring theme although improving, is the need for teachers to give children more opportunities for ‘green pen’ marking and for time to go back and review their work.
During Pupil Voice meetings, co-ordinators investigated the OFSTED statement ‘The less able pupils receive inconsistent support. On occasions the level of challenge is inappropriate. Tasks are sometimes too hard for the pupils. This limits the progress they make.’ Co-ordinators report that the least-able pupils are receiving appropriate support and challenge and are in most cases making progress thanks to focused LSO and Inclusion support. Where this has not been the case the children have worked the inclusion team for additional support.
Monitoring has shown that in most cases, the more able pupils are being challenged to do their best and this challenge can be demonstrated in books. When lack of challenge was seen, this became an area to improve.
Co-ordinators have used regular (mostly weekly) staff meeting time to implement and share their new curriculum with other staff and they have ensured that there is a progression map in place and this has been planned for the rest of the academic year. Most recently we have completed end of unit baseline assessments for all subjects and have added learning objectives and assessment challenges/ Big Finishes for the different groups of children.