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Good morning everybodyheart

Today is Monday 6th July, the start of another school weekyes.

Scroll down for today's busy work activities.

Phonics Time

If your child is confident recognising all of the set 1 sounds, and can read words such as ship, king, bat, and clap, without any support, then click on the set 2 sounds icon.

If you want to practice more phonics, you can now play 'Obb and Bob' blush.

PE Time

Now, it's PE Timelaugh. Let's start by warming up our bodies. Copy the actions to 'Heads, Shoulders, knees and toes' in the video belowyes.

Now, it is time for another yoga adventure! Today, we will be following a story called 'Popcorn the Dolphin'.

Maths Time
Let's start today's Maths activity by telling a grown up the numbers you can see belowlaugh.


3   7   10   1   15   18   4   20    16   12   0

Super!   Over the next two weeks, we are going to practise lots of different Maths skills, so you are ready for year 1laugh. Today, you are going to practise your counting skillsyes. Look at the creepy crawly hotels belowsurprise. We want you to use your pointy finger to count how many bugs are in each hotel. 



Challenge: Tell a grown up which hotel has more bugs (remember, more is the biggest amount).


Now, can you count the bugs in the hotels below? Don't forget to use your pointy fingerwink.


Challenge: Tell a grown up which hotel has less bugs (remember, less is the smallest mount).

Super Challenge Time:
Today's challenge is to identify the number at the top of each leaf, tell a grown up one more than this number, and then draw this amount of bugs on the leaf. You can do this challenge in your busy books, copy the leaf into your books firstlaugh




Super Super Challenge Time:

For this challenge, you have to identify the number at the top of each picture, tell a grown up one less than this number and then draw this amount of bugs on the leaf.



Wow, fantastic work everybodylaugh.

Story Time

Today's story is called 'Elmer and the Hippos.' The elephants aren’t happy: the hippos have come to share their river because their own has dried upangry. When they complain to Elmer that the river is over-crowded everyone’s favourite patchwork elephant sets off to see if he can find a way to solve the problemlaugh. To listen to this fantastic story click on the link below.

Fantastic busy worklaugh.

Come back tomorrow for even more fun activities!

Miss Dodgson & Mr Kirkbride.
