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Class Pages at Lawrence

Parents of children in Nursery should click on the Nursery and Reception badge below. Next, click on the 'Nursery star', where teachers have set fun tasks and activities for children to work on at home. 

Helplines for Settings and Families

In response to the current coronavirus pandemic, Liverpool Local Authority’s SEND Support Services would like to offer advice and support to our settings and families during this difficult time.

SENISS Helpline: 07591837693

If your child has special educational needs and you are wanting to know more on how to support their learning at home then please ring for professional advice, support or practical strategies.

Monday: 1pm – 4pm, Wednesday: 9am – 4pm, Friday: 9am – 12pm

Alternatively, you can email your concern to

Educational Psychology Service Helpline: 0151 233 5978

If you are concerned about your child’s emotional wellbeing or managing their behaviour then please ring for professional advice, support or practical strategies. 

Monday to Friday: 9am – 4.30pm

Alternatively, you can email your concern to

Speech and Language Helpline: 07540707541

If you need advice or support regarding your child’s speech and language then please contact Christine Taylor, Principal Speech and Language Therapist.

Tuesday to Friday: 9am – 12pm

Alternatively, you can email your concern to

ASD Training Team: 07522800193/07515501854

Advice and strategies for families of children and young people with autism or social communication needs.

Monday to Friday: 9am – 12pm


Alternatively, you can email your concern to
