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Funky Friday

Today is Funky Friday!


Enjoy clapping along with this song; A Sailor Went to Sea Sea Sea

A Sailor Went To Sea | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

Watch videos from Super Simple in the Super Simple App for iOS! ► Baby Shark Plush Toy ► Come sing sin...

Can you remember all the creatures which were at the bottom of the sea?

There are many creatures in the sea. 

What do they do? You can do some actions with your body when you watch this video clip.

You can gulp like the fish!

You can pinch like the crab!

You can use your mouth to chomp like the shark!

You can wave your arms like the octopus!

You can leap like the dolphin!

You can wobble like the jelly fish!

You can go up and down like the waves too!


Now let's move some more! Imagine being a crab or an octopus!




Try to say the names of all of the pictures as they are shown below.

If children are unsure or make a mistake simply say the correct word for them.

In previous teaching, children often struggle to remember:- mountain, insect, net, tower


Now it's time for a story. It is an interactive story you can read to your child.

It is about Mr Tumble at the beach!

Mini Maths

We can play hide and seek with numbers!

Hide And Seek | featuring Noodle & Pals | Super Simple Songs

Get the Super Simple App for iOS! ► ♫ Hide and seek. Hide and seek. Let's play hide and seek. ♫ Listen to Super Simple Songs on Spoti...

Make number cards; show them to your child – if your child is not yet recognising the numbers, just use numbers 1 – 3 or 1 – 5.  You can use 1 or 2 unfamiliar numbers to help your child learn them.

Show the number and then hide the numbers without your child seeing where. Then your child can have fun finding the numbers

Now enjoy the Numberblocks Hide and Seek story.

Numberblocks - Hide and Seek | Learn to Count

We hope that your child has enjoyed these activities and that you are all safe and well. We would love to hear from you. The teachers are missing you all.