We are really proud of the things Ofsted said about our school!
Leaders have high expectations for pupils. Pupils in key stages 1 and 2 achieve better than they did in the past. Leaders have improved the early years curriculum, particularly for children in the nursery.
Leaders ensure that all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), access an exciting and ambitious curriculum. The curriculum supports pupils to develop a wide range of knowledge and to explore new talents and interests.
Subject leaders carefully consider what pupils need to know and the order that knowledge should be taught. This clarity helps teachers to ensure that pupils successfully build on their learning over time in most subjects.
In most subjects, teachers have been well trained to deliver leaders’ high-quality curriculums. Teachers make sure that pupils acquire the key knowledge that leaders expect them to. They carefully identify and address pupils’ misconceptions. In these subjects, teachers are also clear about the best way to deliver new learning to pupils. This enables pupils, including pupils with SEND, to learn well.
As pupils move into key stage 1, teachers support pupils to close the gaps in their phonics knowledge. Pupils develop a love of reading. Older pupils are keen readers. They talk knowledgeably about a wide range of texts that they have read. Pupils’ secure reading knowledge supports them well to learn new knowledge in other subjects.
Teachers help pupils who are behind with their learning to catch-up quickly. This includes providing extra help for pupils who arrive from overseas at the early stage of learning to speak English. These pupils receive well-tailored support to help them build secure spoken language and reading knowledge.
Pupils’ positive attitudes help to make the school a happy and harmonious place. Children in the early years, and pupils who are new to school, settle quickly into the routines of learning. Pupils behave well in lessons, at playtimes and when they move around school. They said that bullying occasionally happens, but that staff deal well with any incidents. Pupils feel safe and well supported.
They told us that Safeguarding is effective. Pupils, parents and carers receive effective support from the school’s inclusion team.
Children make good progress in the early years. Outdoor provision has improved since the last inspection and is as equally stimulating as the indoor classroom provision.
Leaders’ provision for pupils who speak English as an additional language is effective, leading to strong progress.
The personal development and welfare of pupils is good. Pupils are kind and considerate. They value the roles provided for them to support younger pupils. They are proud of awards received to promote equality and diversity.
Leaders use the pupil premium funding well. Disadvantaged pupils make strong progress from their starting points.
Leaders ensure that opportunities exist to develop pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and their understanding of British values.
Systems for checking pupils’ progress are in place in English and mathematics.
Pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities receive a wide range of support.
Pupils experience a broad range of sporting activities such as athletics, cricket and lacrosse. Sports coaches work effectively with pupils to develop their skills both in school and during after-school activities. Teachers use training provided by coaches to provide pupils with higher-quality lessons. As a result, the school has gained a silver award for sport.
We provide opportunities and experiences to which pupils would not usually have access. Teachers ensure that they enrich the curriculum through a wide range of visits and by inviting speakers into school to talk with pupils. They thread the key values of equality and diversity through aspects of learning.
Almost all parents who spoke to inspectors or completed Ofsted’s online survey, Parent view, were very positive about the school. The positive views of parents are reflected in the following comment: ‘The care from the class teachers is phenomenal. They know our children as individuals and treat them as such.’
Leaders have worked hard to develop effective tracking systems in reading, writing and mathematics. Additionally, leaders are improving the planning and teaching of these subjects to ensure deeper learning. This has been most effective in mathematics, where pupil outcomes have improved, most notably in key stage 2.
Pupils understand how to keep themselves safe both in the real world and online. They value the opportunities provided by leaders to attend talks from various agencies, who visit school to give pupils advice on personal safety and well-being.
Where learning is strongest, good teacher subject knowledge and positive relationships help pupils to make strong progress.
The teaching of mathematics is developing well throughout the school, most notably at key stage 2. This is because the planning for this subject is thorough and outlines clearly for teachers the knowledge and understanding that pupils require.
Pupils enjoy reading in Lawrence Community Primary School. Leaders ensure that pupils have access to a broad range of high-quality fiction and non-fiction books.
The leader for English has introduced a new system to support teachers with the development of pupils’ key skills in reading and writing.
Leaders are aware that a large proportion of children enter school with language skills that are below those expected for their age. Additionally, many pupils have limited experiences to draw on to support their writing. To address this, teachers provide pupils with a broad range of activities to engage and excite them and to give them experiences to support their writing.
Lawrence Community Primary School has a high turnover of pupils. Many arrive speaking little or no English. Provision for pupils who speak English as an additional language is strong; consequently, they make good progress. Teachers give these pupils a broad range of experiences to write from. For example, a group of pupils visited a furniture store to learn words that are associated with houses. As a result, teachers were able to extend the pupils’ vocabulary.
Classrooms are well stocked and vibrant. Staff use displays effectively to celebrate learning and to support pupils’ understanding. This was most evident in subjects such as writing and mathematics.
The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is good.
Pupils are kind and considerate. They open doors for others and are welcoming and friendly. Relationships between staff and pupils are strong. Pupils think very highly of their teachers and teaching assistants.
Pupils feel safe in school. They greatly value the support they receive from staff in relation to their physical and emotional well-being. Pupils were keen to show an inspector the nurture rooms where they receive support. Pupils typically commented that the support made them feel happier and more confident.
The school’s inclusion team offers high-quality advice and support to both pupils and their families. Pupils receive training on the dangers of gang cultures and knife crime. Staff encourage pupils’ healthy eating. The school has an allotment where pupils enjoy growing fruit and vegetables.
Leaders consider transition between year groups and from Year 6 to Year 7 very carefully to ensure that pupils feel confident and clear about the changes that they will face. Leaders ensure that vulnerable pupils receive additional support with this transition. For example, more vulnerable pupils in Year 6 receive additional visits to their new secondary school to ensure that the transition is smooth.
Pupils are proud of their role as school councillors. They value the opportunities that this gives them to represent their friends. Older pupils enjoy supporting the well-being of younger pupils as playground buddies, reading buddies and playleaders.
Pupils are aspirational. They understand the value of education and have considered the careers that they might enter as adults.
In lessons, the vast proportion of pupils behave well. They listen attentively and work well both individually and with other pupils.
Pupils’ behaviour in the playground and around school is of a high standard. Pupils are polite, friendly and welcoming. They open doors for others and are considerate and caring.
Bullying is extremely rare. This is because pupils have the highest respect for the rights of others. They understand the importance of equality and diversity and are proud that these values are part of their school’s vision.
Leadership is effective in early years. It is driving forward improvements and leading to better provision for children.
Children get off to a strong start in Nursery with phonics and early reading. As a result of good teaching, progress is swift from children’s starting points, which are often low.
Teachers and teaching assistants are effective in developing children’s levels of independence. Staff have very good relationships with the children and offer guidance and encouragement to develop their learning.
Displays and resources in the classrooms are language-rich and support children in developing a good vocabulary. As result, children can work independently and freely access activities.
Leaders and teachers ensure that children have a broad range of activities to do, both in the classroom and outdoors. Leaders have worked hard to develop the outdoor provision to ensure that the quality of learning that takes place matches the same high quality that is available indoors. Some children working outdoors were able to explain to an inspector what doubling was. They then proceeded to double items in shapes while another child wrote the numbers next to them.
Staff ensure that children are safe in early years. High levels of supervision by school staff ensure the safety of the children. Children’s behaviour is good. For most of the time they are cooperative and supportive.
Children who speak English as an additional language are well supported. Leaders ensure that these children receive focused support and guidance. The environment in Nursery and Reception is literacy-rich, with a wide range of high-quality books and displays. A project to develop pupils’ language and communication skills, together with a range of first-hand experiences, is building up children’s language skills effectively.
Teachers work effectively with parents. Parents attend a range of meetings to ensure that the transition into school is smooth. Teachers encourage parents to stay and play with their children, to enable parents to develop their skills in supporting their children’s learning.
Leaders use additional funding effectively to provide additional support for children both academically, socially and emotionally. This has enabled a high proportion of children to gain individual and small-group support. As a result, outcomes for these children have improved over time.
The proportion of children who achieve a good level of development at the end of Reception is below that seen nationally for all children, including those who are disadvantaged. However, some of the low attainment in published results is because there is a high level of mobility. The progress that children make throughout the Reception Year from low starting points is good. Overall, children are well prepared for Year 1.