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Today we would like you to go exploring around the different rooms and places of your home.


In each place you need to look for at least three objects or items.
You don't need to move them, just look wink


In your busy book write a list of the things you found in each place and use commas.

Here are some examples to help you:


In my bathroom I have got shampoo, toothbrushes, toilet rolls and towels.


In the wardrobe there are jeans, jumpers and t-shirts.


 Remember -

a comma comes after each item except for when you are writing
your last object and you use
and instead. 


enlightenedChallenge - use you imagination to write a list of things you would find in any other place. It could be a setting from a book or a computer game or a setting that you create yourself like a unicorn stable or a Roblox world.




Today you will work on sharing.
First, click on the 'White Rose Maths' icon below. Watch the video lesson:

Summer Term - Week 6 (w/c 1st June)

Lesson 2 - Sharing

Then, click on the BBC icon and watch the short video clip, read the information and then complete activity two online.

After that, for more challenge, log in to TT Rockstars and don't forget about My Maths wink

Email your teachers if you need login information:




For the past couple of days we have worked on making sure you realise how special you are and how being different and diverse makes us special and stronger and better together.



Some of the reasons diversity is wonderful because it allows us to learn more about other cultures, everyone can share and enjoy the differences we have and everyone can work together to make the country a good place to live for everyone.


Unfortunately, some people are not educated enough to enjoy and celebrate diversity like we do.


Your job today is to make a creative, bright and colourful poster to show why diversity is so wonderful and why the world is a better place when we celebrate our own and one another's uniqueness. 




For more child-friendly information about diversity use this link below, please ask an adult
to help you, look together and talk about some of the information here.
