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Today, you are going to help Apollo to list words in alphabetical order. 

First, watch the video below to remind yourself how we sort words alphabetically.

Next, click on Apollo and go to page 10, read the words. Do you know what they mean? Can you work it out by re-reading the parts of the story where they are? 

enlightened Challenge - find out the meaning of each word. 

Finally, put the words in alphabetical order in your busy book.

enlightenedenlightened Super Challenge - make an alphabetical list of objects you find around your house. How many objects can you order?


Don't forget to log in to Bug Club too!


Read something every day! smiley


Alphabetical Order with Mr.Harlo - Learning Lessons for Kids - ChuChu School




Click on the images above to go to the BBC website and practise splitting whole numbers and writing fractions for your maths activity today.

Then, practise your skills here...

   ^ CLICK ^


Remember to log in to My Maths too!


Free Choice Friday

After all of your hard work this week choose some of the games on the link below, go to our 'skills' section or go to our 'Fun Extras' star and practise there or learn about something new of your choice. 


Have fun!
Stay safe heart and we will be back after the weekend with more daily tasks and activities wink




AND Don't forget to log in to Bug Club and My Maths, your teachers can see when you do cool