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July 2020

July jobs


Staked: peas and broad beans.

Harvested: peas, broad beans, broccoli, cabbage leaves (vegetables above ground).

Harvested: turnip, kohl rabi, onions, carrots, radish (root vegetables below ground).

Harvested: strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, red and black currants, cherries (fruit).

Harvested: rosemary, sage, lemon balm, mint (herbs).

Children who were in school had the opportunity to taste and smell the produce.

Weeded: generally.

Watered: polytunnel and outside in dry weather.

Collected: horse manure from Beechley Stables for compost bins.

Strimmed: edges and paths.

Pruned: blackberry bushes.

Repotted: sweet and chilli peppers.

Cleaned & tidied: plot and polytunnel.

