Half Term is Here!
Have a great week, we will meet you back on our page next Monday
At this time of year, we would usually be enjoying a half-term break, there would be a one week break from school and we would have been busy celebrating all of your hard work and preparing for your final few weeks with your teacher before you move on to Year 3.
It is very unfortunate that we have not been able to do this but staying home is keeping you, your families, your friends, your teachers and so many more people safe. Soon enough we will back in our lovely school learning together, happily.
We know you have done fantastic things these past few weeks from school work to helping at home to cheering up your family. We know from your fantastic emails and phone call that some of you can now ride your bikes, tie your shoe laces, write neatly on a line, share with your siblings, help to prepare meals and SOOOOO much more! You are wonderful!
There will be no new daily activities on our class page until Monday 1st of June, this would be the date that we usually return to school after the May Half Term Holiday.
Your teachers would like you to use this time to keep wonderful, take time to relax and spend time with your family, however, if you would like some things to keep you busy there are LOADS of things you could do. Have a look around on our class page for ideas. You can go back to any of the links, activities rhymes and songs that we have used for our learning over the past few weeks, you can go to the 'Virtual Learning Space' and use those resources or click on the button below for more.
You have logins and passwords for My Maths, Numbots and TT Rockstars, Bug Club, Yumu and Education City. You can email your teachers if you can't remember them
Your teachers would LOVE to hear from you, we think about you all of the time and wonder what you are up to. Your emails make us SO happy
We hope that you and your families are happy, safe and well.
We miss you, we are so proud of you!
Miss Collins, Mrs Marsden & Miss Fleet.
We are still here for you and are available during the half-term, please contact teachers on: