The school has used the GOOGLE CLASSROOM platform since March 2020 to regularly set meaningful and ambitious work in KS2 and since September 2020 for Reception and KS1 children.
The staff remote learning leads are Mr Keenan and Mr Belger and any concerns, questions or feedback can be communicated with them:
If you are unable to access the internet or do not have enough devices then please get in touch, we may be able to help.
Children who cannot access on-line learning through GOOGLE CLASSROOM will be set paper packs of work that meet current curriculum topics and requirements. Work will be set for a short period and arrangements for more extensive packs and methods of feedback and assessment will be arranged with each family by the class teacher. If parents require a paper pack, these will be prepared and can be collected from the school office upon request. To avoid congestion, a time will be allocated by the office staff for you to collect work.
The school will work with individual families who cannot access on-line learning to use Government initiatives and borrow school equipment to improve their on-line access. This may take some time to facilitate and we ask parents to be patient and work with the school to let us know by telephone about obstacles to on-line learning at the earliest opportunity and we will look into alternative options together.
Your class teacher will arrange distance learning to meet all current curriculum topics, subjects and requirements.
We will use daily GOOGLE MEET sessions with groups of children to check your reading, your progress and to give you feedback. These will be recorded by your Class Teacher or Learning Support Officer so you feel safe and secure when presenting your work.
We will set paper packs of work that meet current curriculum topics and requirements for any of you who are not on-line. Written work will be set for 2 weeks and arrangements for feedback and assessment will be arranged with each family by the class teacher.
Children who are not on GOOGLE CLASSROOM or who are not in email contact with the class teacher will be telephoned twice a week by the class teacher to check each child’s progress.
If parents need to contact the school or your child’s class teacher for any reason, you can do so by ringing the school on 0151 733 2556 or by the contacting school’s email:
or through GOOGLE CLASSROOM or the e-mail your family has been given:
We have to be flexible here - keeping regular learning going during the period that schools are closed is of great importance to reduce the impact on children’s education, however we understand that everyone’s circumstances at home will be different. Some families have one child to support while others have several. Some families have one device to share while others may have more – and some things may work differently on different devices. Some parents will have plenty of time to help their children learn, while others will be working from home and may have much less time and some children will be able to work more independently than others or need greater challenge.
Due to this we are providing a flexible approach to remote learning. We will offer a variety of weekly learning activities across the curriculum so that children can work their way through as much as they are able, at a time that suits them.
The remote education provided should be equivalent in length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school and will include both recorded or live direct teaching time, and time for pupils to complete tasks and assignments independently. The amount of remote education provided should be, as a minimum:
• Key Stage 1: 3 hours a day on average across the cohort, with less for younger children
• Key Stage 2: 4 hours a day
Class Teachers will post daily work on Google Classroom for their class. This will outline a range of learning activities in the full range of subject areas and contain tasks and links to follow (in any order and at a time that suits across the week). We appreciate that some families won’t be able to engage fully, and in this case we suggest they focus on key learning priorities to try to reduce the impact on children’s core Maths and English skills.
Opportunities to join in with time-scheduled GOOGLE MEET events will be set, for example Read Write Inc Phonics Live Lessons, Times Tables Rockstars Class competitions, Bug Club, Active Reading and Games, etc.
Throughout the day, further posts on Google Classroom will add extra detail or examples as necessary and assignments will be set to ‘collect in’ a piece of work.
Other optional events and enrichment activity ideas will be spread throughout the week to help keep you engaged and enthusiastic, as well as supporting their social interaction and physical and emotional needs.
Any use of online learning tools and systems is in line with privacy and data protection / GDPR
Most children are expected to take part in daily lessons through Google Classroom. If there are barriers to learning and other digital resources are available (some children have logins for Flash Academy, MyMaths, TT Rockstars, Purple Mash, Bug Club for example) and parents are satisfied that their child is engaged appropriately with these resources, that will also be acceptable. Teachers update and monitor these resources regularly.
Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. Our approach to feeding back on pupil work is to regularly make comments based on what the children are producing using online access. This usually takes the form of praise or critical support as appropriate to each individual child.