Good Morning!
Today it is Thrilling Thursday!
How do you feel today? Do you feel happy? Or angry? Or friendly?
Sometimes we feel like we want to have a space of our own.
So let's make a den for a thrill today!
Choose materials which your child can use to make a den; it may be a blanket or a sheet and some pegs or a big box. Talk about what you have used to make the ‘den’.
What is the den? Is it a hidden castle? Or a dark bear cave? Or….?
You can read a story book with your child- a book of their choice. You can use a story from the storytime link on the website if there is no favourite book. It’s an opportunity to snuggle up (with the other children too) and enjoy a story together (in the den if you can!).
Challenge: Read the book again and ask your child questions about Who is in the book? Where are they? What happened?
Then draw a picture from the story in your busy book.
Make it easier: Look at the story book with your child. Point to a picture and tell them what it shows. Can your child find another one? What do they see? Follow your child’s interest and when they have had enough, do a different activity.
During the day, if you spot something, such as a clock or a bird or a number which was in the book, you can pont it out that it’s just like in the book.
Later, you can bring back the book and ask them to notice the same thing in the picture and then different features. It is best to look at books often for a short time to develop you child’s interest and attention.
Now that you've made a den, we can sing the song about a den - do you remember singing this in nursery?
Mini Maths
Watch the ‘The Farmer’s In His Den’ again. This time, get ready to do some counting.
Pause the clip at points throughout the song so that children can see a fixed/still picture.
Ask children to count, saying: "How many can people can you see?"
Remember to say number names in order and touch each picture on the screen, 1 at a time.
In school we make a circle and sing it like this;
Stop the clip and count how many children you can see together? (counting 2 groups the children in the circle and on the outside of the circle)
Find the number in your pack or write the correct number in your busy book.
Now it's time for a story. This is a story about growing up.
We do hope that you have enjoyed your activities today.
It would be lovely to hear from you- let us know if you are using the class pages or if you have any questions or would like any further support. Our email addresses are: to contact Mrs Colby. to contact Mrs Davies.
Enjoy the rest of your day!