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Keep active and keep moving everyday!









Practise saying the sounds, then read the words. 




Don't forget to join in with daily Read, Write Inc lessons by clicking the image below. 





Free e-Books can be accessed by clicking the image below. 




Login to Bug Club and read some of the books set. Click on the bug on each page to answer the questions. 








Today we are re-visiting measurements: Length and height. 


Can you measure using non- standard units e.g. using your hands / cubes / books? 


Can you measure these things: 


  • Table
  • Couch 
  • Bed
  • Cupboard

How many hands / cubes/ books  high or long are they? 



Don't forget to visit White Rose Maths by clicking on the image below.

This is Summer 1 Week 5  WC 18.5.20       You can watch the lesson and join in with the activity. 









This week for Geography we are thinking about 'Where does our food come from? 

There are many different places to buy food and many shops sell lots of different types of food.


Here are your questions for today. Discuss them with your family. 

  • Can you think about where you and your family buy food from? 
  • Is it close to your house? 
  • What food do you buy there?
  • Do you pass any food shops on your way to school? 





