Story writing
Some of the children in Reception have used our story map to write the story 'The Enormous Turnip. We used our phonics brains to help us. Click on the photographs below to read our stories.
Look at our super writing!
Our Reading Garden
At busy time, we enjoy sharing and reading stories in 'The Reading Garden' with our teachers and friends. This year, we have looked lots of different stories including fairy tale stories, dinosaur stories and Christmas stories. We especially enjoyed reading stories about the Gruffalo.
Dear Zoo
In class, we have been learning all about 'Dear Zoo'. We read the story, sequenced the story, acted out the story and then used a story map to retell the story. Click on the photograph below to see our story map. You could ask your child to tell you the story.
Click on the photographs below to watch us use different actions to help us retell the story 'Dear Zoo' .
The Enormous Turnip
In class, we are learning all about 'Growing' and 'The Enormous Turnip' story. We read the story, sequenced the story, made a vocab list and then used a story map to retell the story. Click on the photographs below to see us practising our vocab list with the actions.