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Today your task is to use this Small Town Superheroes game from BBC Bitesize

to help you to remember and use all of your phonics skills when you are doing your English work.



enlightenedChallenge - when you click to play this game you will find there are three activities underneath it. How many can you complete in your busy book?


Your task today is to log in to TT Rockstars and do some times tables practise.

Contact your teacher by email if you need your username or password.



Then watch the video Lesson 2 - Use arrays by clicking on the White Rose icon below and the BBC bitesize video by clicking on the BBC icon.

enlightenedChallenge - draw some arrays in your busy book for times tables that you have worked
on today or use items from around your 
home to create some arrays of your own.


Summer Term - Week 5 (w/c 18th May)                Repeated addition and multiplication
Lesson 2 - Use arrays



Today, log in to Purple Mash and use 2code to program and play the games.

Contact your teacher by email if you need your login and password information.

Then, write a short review of each game that you played.


- Did you like or dislike the game? why?
- Would you recommend it to a friend to play? Why or why not?

- Does it have any similarities to any other games that you have played before?

