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Hello Receptionheart

Today is Tuesday 12th May 2020.

What is the weather like today?

Here are today's busy work activities, good luckyes.

Phonics Time
If your child is confident recognising all of the set 1 sounds, and can read words such as ship, king, bat, and clap, without any support, then click here to learn the set 2 sounds.

Set 1 Sounds Lesson
Can you say these sounds?

g  o  c  k  u  b  f  e  l  h  


Now, in your busy work books, practice writing the following letters:
Remember to use the rhymes to help you.

If you have a printer at home, you can print out the above worksheets, by clicking on the links at the bottom of this pageyes.


Now, can you Fred talk, read the words, below?.


mailParents: Ask your child to write the following words in their busy work books.
Boys and girls, remember to use your 'Fred Fingers' to help you.


Words to write: sad, yet, chin, that.
As a challenge, your child could write a simple sentence: sit on it.


Now lets play 'Fishy Phonics.' blush


You need to Fred talk, read the words and then go fishing for the right picture. Good luckyes.

Before we finish, click on the link below to read one of these books to your grown upyes.

Jennie Time

Click on the photograph of Jennie to see your activity for today.

Maths Time
Today, at Maths Time, we are going to continue learning about positional language - the language we use to describe where something or somebody is. Let's start today's Maths activity, with a positional language quizlaugh, tell your grown up where the cat is, in the images below.

Next, we would like you to draw a picture of a tree, in your busy books, like this:




Super! Now, you need to follow the instructions below, to complete your picturelaugh


1. Draw an aeroplane above the tree.

2. Draw a dog under the tree.

3. Draw a red juicy apple in front of the tree.

4. Draw a wiggly worm on the grass.

5. Draw a bird next to the tree. 


Fantastic Maths work today Reception, well doneyes.

Story Time

Our story book today is called 'I Want a Bedtime Story'. It is about a Little Princess, who loves her Dad's bedtime story, the only problem is, he isn't there to tell itbroken heart. Everybody in the house tried their own stories, but they just wouldn't do. Until, the maid introduced her to a world of new stories that could be found in books. Do you have a favourite story? If you have some books at home, read them, with a grown up, before you go to bed tonight. If not, remember, we have lots of  great stories on our 'Home Learning' page. Click the link below to read today's fantastic storyyes.

Spectacular busy work today Receptionlaugh.
Take care and stay safe.

Miss Dodgson and Mr Kirkbride.
