Today we are continuing to work on our final set of fantastic TalkforWriting activities.
Click below to go to the Year 2 Home learning booklet.
We are working with a poem written by Edward Lear called The Quangle Wangle's Hat.
Today complete the activity on page 16: the simile task (we will save poetry writing for tomorrow!) then, complete the simile task below.
Today you will work on time.
First, click on the 'White Rose Maths' icon below to watch the video lesson and then complete task A below.
Challenge yourself with tasks B and C.
Video Lesson:
Summer Term - Week 11 (w/c 6th July)
Lesson 3 - o'clock and half past
In your busy book answer the questions:
If you could fly anywhere in the world where would you go?
Why would you go there?
What would you do?
You can have more than one destination.
Then make yourself an aircraft and decorate it.
Click below to find a range of paper planes and instructions on how to make each one.