Your task for today is on page 8 of your booklet. Read the story or listen to it
again then answer the questions in your busy book.
Today you will work more on shape.
First, click on the 'White Rose Maths' icon below to watch the video lesson and then click below it for your activity on the BBC website.
Video Lesson:
Summer Term - Week 8 (w/c 15th June)
Lesson 3 - Sorting 2D and 3D shapes
Challenge - set a one minute timer. How many 3D objects can you list around the room?
Click below and try the '3D Objects and 2D Shapes' game first then challenge yourself with some games of your choice.
Today you are going to pretend that you have jetted off to the Amazon rainforest.
You are going to write a postcard to your family and friends at home to tell them all about it is like there.
Some things to include: the weather, animals and plants, food.
Use the PowerPoint below to help you.