We hope that you are all well.
Today is Thrilling Thursday!
It’s another beautiful day!
We are going to plant some seeds!
What do seeds need to grow?
Today we will make Egg Carton Greenhouses!
Use the pictures below to show your child what you are making. You can do this together.
First, can you find some seeds
Next, find some potting soil, cups and egg boxes.
Fill the cartons with the soil, using the cups. Then add a seed in each one.
Pour water on the soil with the seed covered. It should be nice and wet.
Then take a clear bag to cover the tray and it can be left in a sunny place.
The bag will keep the soil a little wet until you see shoots coming through. Then take the bag away.
You can look at the tray with your child every day until when you see a green shoot!Language and Literacy
Seed begins with Ssssss Can you find other things which begin with S? You can hunt in your house. Sandwich, Scissors, Sofa…..What else can you find?
Flower begins with f. Can you find other things in the house or outside which begin with f? You can hunt again. Finger, fan,
Can you draw the seeds and things you have found?
Mini Maths
Using the seeds - (or use pasta or cereal if the seeds are too small).
Give your child a number (between 1 and 5) and ask them to show you that many seeds. Count them by touching each one and saying the number
Challenge – use bigger numbers
Story time