Good morning.
Let's start today with a few familiar songs:
Today is 'Taste-it Tuesday'.
As the weather is so sunny and warm at the moment I thought it might be a good time to make some frozen ice lollies or ice cubes.
It might be easier to make fruit juice ice cubes with, or without, the sticks.
Making the fruit lollies or ice cubes provides an excellent opportunity for Mini Maths-
Language and Literacy/ Phonics
We started our new topic on 'Transport' yesterday.
Look at the pictures below and ask your child to match the correct name to each of them.
Next, play a game of 'I spy...' emphasising the initial sound of the word.
This book is excellent for promoting talk as there are only a few words on each page.
Challenge-This book also provides an opportunity for you or your child to point to each word as it is read.