Edit and Improve your Farmer Duck story.
Challenge - include commas
Super Challenge - include speech marks
Super Duper Challenge - find all of your nouns and circle them, find all of your verbs and put a wiggly line around them, find all of your adjectives underline them. Can you add any more to make your work even better?
Super Duper Zuper Challenge - Did you use any other types of words? Can you add any now?
Use these to help you
Can you remember the names of different fruits?
Subtraction with partitioning.
Use the 'My Maths' lessons and draw your tens frames to helps you.
95 – 68 =
52 – 24=
64 – 36 =
36 – 17 =
78 – 49 =
83 – 59 =
41 – 15 =
This might help too: