Good morning everybody.
Let's start today with a song. Try to join in with the repeated words.
Throughout Nursery children have been exploring sounds and words, joining in with songs and rhymes and sharing lots of stories.
Some children can hear the different sounds in words eg. saying, "cat starts with c", "b-b-b-ball",
"my name is Mmmmm Mohamed ".
Today we are going to begin to introduce children to the scheme we use to teach phonics - hearing and saying the sounds letters make in words. The scheme is called 'Read, Write Inc'.
Click on the links below for more information for parents about 'Read, Write Inc.' :
'Read, Write Inc.' uses a small toy frog called Fred to help children practice blending sounds together. Show your child the photograph of Fred below:
Explain to your child that Fred can only speak in sounds so he needs children to say the word for him.
We have already been using 'Fred Talk' to blend the sounds.
Fred (you) says, "let's run for the b-u-s!"
Children then repeat the sounds, "b-u-s" and then say the word 'bus'.
Fred (you) says, "The sun is out. It is h-o-t."
Children then repeat the sounds, "h-o-t" and then say the word 'hot'.
Fred (you) says, "I put the food in the p-a-n."
Children then repeat the sounds, "p-a-n" and then say the word 'pan'.
This is called 'Fred Talk / Say the word'.
Taste-it Tuesday
Let's celebrate Fred and make fruit frogs:
Mini Maths
Look closely at the pictures below and ask your child what comes next in the pattern.
You might need to give some help initially and say the pattern out loud ie.
plane - car, - plane - car, - plane - car, - plane - _________
Listen and enjoy the rhyming story below: