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Thrilling Thursday

Good Morning!  Today is   Thrilling Thursday!


Today can you collect some of your toy vehicles you have and we can make a ramp!

Your child can help you to draw lanes on a cardboard box to make a ramp. Let them race their cars down the bottom stair or a step outside.


Your child can choose lots of different wheeled vehicles. Which one is the fastest? Which one is the slowest? Is the biggest car the fastest? Is the smallest car slower?

Take turn to have a go. Brothers and sisters can join in and take turns.


Now it's time for Literacy

PhonicsLet's play the game, 'I spy....'.

Fred(you) say: "I spy something r-e-d". Children copy the sounds (r-e-d) and say the word (red). Then look for something red and call out the name.

Give your child a little time to think but if they are unsure, repeat and give support to blend to help build confidence.


Repeat with: b-l-oo, g-r-ee-n, b-l-a-k, b-r-ow-n


This is called 'Fred Talk / Say the word'.

Mini Maths



Shapes Are All Around

Now let us have some fun with transport and shapes!

Whilst you are helping your child to look at the shapes page, you can talk about the shapes and the features; circle has a curved side

               triangle has three sides and three corners

               square has four sides and four corners. All the sides are the same.

               rectangle has four sides and four corners. Not all the sides are the same. Can you see the        longer ones?


make it easier; Count each row; cars 1,2,3 - make sure your child touch counts. Then bike, bus and train

challenge; Can your child count up the vehicles on the sheet all together? Then can they write the number in their busy book? You can help them.

Mr Gumpy's Outing,

This is today's story about an adventure in a boat!

Did you enjoy the story? 

Who went on the boat first with Mr Gumpy>?

Did they do what Mr Gumpy asked?

Do you do what your family ask you to do? Do you sometimes forget?

What happened at the end of the story?


Enjoy the rest of your day!


