September jobs :
Harvesting : Potatoes (Desiree & Maris Piper),
A few pears,
Apples (3 types of eating apples & cooking apples),
Red cabbage,
Beans (runner & climbing),
I brought in apples and blackberries for Y1 children to taste and showed them pictures of the allotment on the school website.
Weeding : Beds and borders. Took bins of green waste to the tip in car.
Pruning : Dead sunflower heads (lots of seeds).
Trees and hedges at perimeter fence of allotment site.
Protecting : Sweetcorn plants with sticks and environmesh.
Lettuce seedlings in outside bed.
Clearing : Beds where plants have finished for this year.
Preparing : Laid cardboard to prevent weeds growing under some fruit trees.
Planting : Green Manure ; poached egg plants and phacelia (this will be dug into the soil in weeks to feed it).
Feeding: Pumpkins & squash.