Today you have another great dice game
You can either use a book you have or know or log in to Bug Club and choose a book from there.
Roll the dice and get your task from the Roll & Re-tell image below.
Then, complete the task in your busy book.
You must roll your dice at least three times, challenge yourself by rolling more or
changing books and rolling again.
Today you will work on odd and even numbers.
First, click on the 'White Rose Maths' icon below. Watch the video lesson:
Summer Term - Week 6 (w/c 1st June)
Lesson 4 - Odd and even numbers
After that click the TopMarks icon below to play some games and practise your times-tables skills.
Don't forget to log in to TT Rockstars and My Maths too!
Email your teachers if you need login information:
Log in to Yumu and continue to learn, practise and have fun with the music activities and songs that we have made available to you.
If you are not sure what your username and password are please contact your teacher by email:
Miss Collins - 2c@lawrence-primary.co.uk
Mrs Marsden - 2m@lawrence-primary.co.uk
Happy Singing & Music Making!