Our Assessment Policy for 2020-21 is under review at the moment.
We follow School Improvement Liverpool guidelines when making teacher judgements and attend moderation and standardisation meetings as part of our commitment to the Liverpool Assessment Project. We are currently using Google Forms to make mini-assessments through Google Classroom to find out how much our children are learning during the Covid Pandemic.
At Lawrence, our curriculum is planned each term. When assessing core and foundation subjects, we use the age related expectation descriptors for each subject taken from the National Curriculum. We use these to make judgements at the end of the school year as to whether our children are working below, towards, at or above the expected standard for each subject. These are then reported to parents on our end of year reports.
In Year 2 and Year 6 we also administer end of Key Stage SATs which support our assessment judgements. These give each child a scaled score which indicates progress and tells us if they are working below, towards, at, or above the expected standard compared with the national expectation for attainment before moving on to the next Key Stage.