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Make-it Monday

Good morning smiley and welcome back.

I hope you have had a good half term and have enjoyed the sunshine. 


Today, we are going to start a new topic on 'Transport', so let's start by singing a song:

The Wheels on the Bus | Toddler Fun Learning | Nursery Rhyme


Today is 'Make-it Monday' so we are going to play pretend and make a car or a bus in your home:

You could

  • move dining chairs into a line, like sitting on a bus
  • or sit in a line behind each other on your bed, to pretend it is a bus
  • Use a circle of card or plastic plate or any circle to be a steering wheel.
  • Cut up an old receipt into pieces to be bus tickets or draw on small pieces of paper to make your own bus tickets.

Sing 'The Wheels on the Bus' while you are driving.

Talk about where you are going on the bus- shopping?  to town? to Asda? to visit friends? go to the park? the seaside? 

Literacy and Language

Look at the pictures below and name and talk about each of the pictures.

Point out similarities and differences and any interesting features.

Ask children if they have seen these things before. Where? When? 

Try to extend children's vocabulary and language skills. For example,

  • if your child says,"big truck", 
  • you could say, "yes, it's called a monster truck." Or, "yes, the monster truck has very big wheels."



Mini Maths

Today you are going to practice writing your numbers in your 'Busy Book'. 

Follow the example below and remember to take your time.

If your child finds pencil control activities difficult, then give them a bigger piece of paper to write on and focus on numbers 1  2  3.



COOL CARS (Amazing Machines) by Tony Mitton & Ant Parker - Read Aloud Story

A rhyming storybook of many different kinds of cars: family cars, convertibles, police cars, race cars, and taxis.

Later, read this book again yourself (without sound) so that you can emphasise the rhyming words.

Encourage your child to join in with some of the rhyming words with you. 



Have a good dayyes
