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Good morning Receptionheart

Today is Monday 13th July 2020.

It is the start of another school week. 

Here are your busy work activities for todayyes.

Phonics Time

If your child is confident recognising all of the set 1 sounds, and can read words such as ship, king, bat, and clap, without any support, then click on the set 2 sounds icon.

If you want to practice more phonics, you can now play 'Obb and Bob'laugh
PE Time

Sports Day


Normally, at school, we would have a special day to do lot's of fun sports activities! So, we thought it would be a good idea for you to do it at homeyes. If the weather is good, you and your family could even walk to the park to do today's PE lessonlaugh


Let's start by warming up our bodies. Copy the actions to 'Shake Your Sillies Out' in the video belowyes.

Now, at home or at the park, have a go at these fun sports day activities by clicking the link belowyes
Great Job. We hope you and your families had a great time yes.

Maths Time
Let's start today's Maths activity by telling a grown up the numbers you can see belowlaugh.


0   5   2   12   17   8     14   16   20   9

Fantastic!   This week, at Maths time, we are going to continue practising lots of different skills, so you are ready for year onelaugh. Today, you are going to revisit measures, so get your Maths brains readywink.


Look at the pictures below, tell a grown up which superhero is the heaviest. 
Tip: Remember, the heavier object/person will make the weighing scales go down to the floor.

Well done!   Now, tell a grown up which glass is empty, half empty, and full, in the pictures belowblush

Super Challenge Time:
In your busy books, can you draw a flower taller than this one?


In your busy books, can you draw a little girl shorter than this one?


In your busy books, can you draw a wiggly worm longer than this one?



Super Super Challenge Time:
In your busy books, put the 3 puffer fish below into the correct order, starting with the smallest.



Story Time

Today's story is called 'Funny Bones.' It is all about a big skeleton, a little skeleton and a dog skeleton, who live in a dark dark cellar of a dark dark house on a dark dark hill... To listen to this fantastic story watch the video belowyes.

You have done some great busy work today Receptionlaugh.

Miss Dodgson & Mr Kirkbride 
