Welcome Back
We hope you are all safe and well. Miss Brennan, Miss Miles, Mrs Parry and Mrs McNulty hope to see you all again soon, but until we can get back to class, we will continue our lessons online.
Click the image below for daily Read, Write, Inc sessions and access to e-Books.
Don't forget to log into Bug Club. Read the books and click the bug on each page to answer the questions.
Click the link below to go.
Can you order numbers from 0 - 20 ? Practice writing them in your home learning book.
Now can you order bigger numbers.... all the way to 100? Click the image below to go to the Top Marks activity page and see how many activities you can do.
White Rose Maths are also offering free lessons. Click the image below to watch the lessons and complete the activities
Keep Moving
Don't forget to keep active, even if you can't go outside. Click the links below for activities you can do at home.
PSHE - Changing Me
We will be looking at 'Changing Me' this term in our Jigsaw sessions.
Please click the link to access some free resources from Jigsaw.
Today, can you discuss the people who are important to you? These can be people in your family, friends, the people you work with in school.
Talk to your family and tell them why the people you have chosen are important. Can you draw a picture of the people you choose and write about why they are important to you?