Good morning.
Today is 'Taste-it Tuesday'.
As we are talking about feelings this week, ask your child to think about their favourite foods and how they feel when they eat them.
Next, ask children about foods that they dislike and how they feel when they see them.
Here is Desmond the Dinosaur:
Say the following rhyme/ song:
'When Desmond's feeling hungry, he looks for food.
He looks in the kitchen, when he's in a hungry mood.
And he says, _______________ (insert food child likes), mmmmmmmm (rub tummy).
And he says, ________________(insert food child dislikes), yuk (thumbs down).
And he says, _______________ (insert food child likes), mmmmmmmm (rub tummy).
And he says, ________________(insert food child dislikes), yuk (thumbs down).
When Desmond's feeling hungry, he looks for food".
This song/ rhyme provides a good opportunity to talk to children about the need to eat a variety of foods and that it is not healthy to only eat sweets and cake.
Taste-it Tuesday
It would be good if children could help to make some favourite food today for your family.
Another idea is for children to make some 'happy face' food:
Mini Maths
It is time to do some clever counting.
How many biscuits can you count on each plate?
4 6 7 2 5
Challenge- how many biscuits can you count on 2 plates eg.
Language and Literacy/ Phonics
Say the word 'biscuit'.
Say the sound at the start of the word 'b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b'.
Explain that this is a short sound, like a bouncing ball, making a 'b' sound when it bumps the ground.
Be a phonics detective and look around your house for items that begin with the letter 'b'.
Do you have a bin? ball? bed? bottle? baby?
Draw pictures of your 'b' objects in your 'Busy Book'.
This book provides an opportunity for children to talk about their feelings.
This is a strange and difficult time for adults and so it must be incredibly confusing for children to be at home and miss going outside and seeing family and friends.
Ask your child how they feel today? Are they angry? sad? happy?