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We have some more fantastic TalkforWriting activities.
Click on magpie above to go to the Year 2 work book.

We are going to be working with a brilliant, traditional, fairytale called

The Elves and the Shoemaker


Today, your task is to ready the story on pages 4 and 5 and answer the questions from page 6 in your busy book. 


Click on the ear to listen to the version of the story that you will be working on with the elves 
Clary, Pepper and Jas or click the link in the workbook on page 5.
Use the vides below to listen to some alternate versions of this wonderful tale.


The Elves and the Shoemaker Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories for Kids

You can also listen to this story in Hindi, Urdu and Arabic.

The Shoemaker and the Elves - Fairy Tales In Hindi - थी शूमेकर एंड थी एल्विस - Hindi Pari Kahani

یلوس اور جوتا میک | Elves and Shoemaker in Urdu | Urdu Story | Urdu Fairy Tales

الاقزام و صانع الاحذية | قصص اطفال | حكايات عربية

...and read along with the story here.

The Elves and the Shoemaker: Learn English (UK) with subtitles - Story for Children ""


^ CLICK ^   Get to know the story better  ^ CLICK^ 


Click on the 'White Rose Maths' icon below. Today you will be working addition and subtraction. First, watch the video lesson then complete the activity in your busy book.

Summer Term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May)

Lesson 1 - Fact families addition and subtraction bonds to 20



Science is our next topic.
We are going to be learning all about plants.

Have look at the resources below and do some research of your own, then, in your busy book draw and label a plant.

Scroll to he bottom of the page and click on the BBC icon to take a 'Parts of Plants' quiz.
enlightenedChallenge - can you write the job of any plant parts?

BBC Parts of a plant | Primary Biology - Plants

The Plant Parts SONG | Science for Kids |

Parts of a Plant for kids || Parts of a Plant

More information and a quiz ^ CLICK
