Make-it Monday
Today in school, children will be using a glue-stick to create a collage on paper.
They will be ripping, twisting, scrunching, folding paper to attach to their base paper.
They will be developing skills using a glue-stick, applying glue to the paper base and pressing collage materials onto the glue to make their creation.
Taste-it Tuesday
The children will be making strawberry milkshake for their snack today.
I will model reading the instructions to the children and they will help me to measure/ count the correct amount of milk (number of cups) and powder (number of spoons).
Children will then take turns to stir into a paste using a spoon and then mix in the extra milk, using a whisk.
Wiggle Wednesday
Children will develop co-ordination and physical skills as well as creative skills and imagination responding to music with movement.
This week we are focussing on developing rhythm in response to music as well as controlled hand/ arm movements in 'Baby Shark':
We have learned a song; 'I have a Body, a very busy Body!' and have been thinking about what we can do with our bodies. With our hands we can touch and feel.
Today's THRILL is a bag with surprises in! We have to touch and feel the hidden object in the bag. Here is the video to show us how to play the game. Parents and carers, you can put toy objects from the house in a bag and use a blindfold for the child too! Talk with your child about how soft/hard or big/small the object is.