Good morning everyone
Today is Wednesday 15th July 2020.
What is the weather like today?
Here are your busy work activities, enjoy.
Phonics Time
If your child is confident recognising all of the set 1 sounds, and can read words such as ship, king, bat, and clap, without any support, then click on the set 2 sounds icon.
Singing Time
Visit and click on the 'Music at Home- Encore' section to sing lots of the songs we have learnt so far this year. Your log in details are included in your home learning packs.
If you haven't got your log in details, click on the image below to sing some of our favourite songs.
Beautiful singing Reception.
Now, it's time for a time challenge. In your busy books, draw 5 clocks. Using the information below, make each clock display the correct times, to show Laura's day
1. Laura wakes up at half past 7.
2. Laura goes to school at 9 o'clock.
3. Laura has her lunch at 12 o'clock.
4. Laura finishes school at half past 3.
5. Laura goes to bed at 8 o'clock.
Click on the link below, if you would now like to play a time game.
Story Time
Today's story is called 'Aliens Love Underpants.'
‘When aliens fly down to Earth,
They simply don’t want to meet YOU…
They simply want your underpants -
I’ll bet you never knew!
Aliens love underpants.
Of every shape and size.
But there are no underpants in space,
So here's a big surprise..."
You probably thought aliens came down to Earth with a view to taking over the planet - but, no, they simply want to steal your pants!'
To listen to today's fantastic story click on the video below.
Super job Reception.
Don't forget to email your teacher with any questions you might have.
Miss Dodgson & Mr Kirkbride