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    Yesterday you watched a clip from Literacy Shed where a man was sailing in his boat, through the air!  He heard a noise and suddenly gliding into view are some giant, flying turtles. 

Click the turtle to watch again.




Today you are going to retell the story with your own special twist.

Instead of turtles, you must use your own flying animal


you are not allowed to say what the animal is!

You must use as much description as you can to talk about your animal then read your description to somebody in your home and see if they can guess the animal that you have described.

If they can't guess you need to add more detail and description.


enlightenedDescribe but don't tell!enlightened


enlightenedFriday Challengeenlightened



Log in to Yumu and continue to learn, practise and have fun with the music activities and songs that we have made available to you.


If you are not sure what your username and password are, as always, please contact your teacher by email:
Miss Collins - 
Mrs Marsden - 


Happy Singing & Music Making!



You can also use the BBC website for your music learning by clicking the
BBC Bitesize icon below.



enlightened Challenge - learn the lyrics to a song that you love heart

Lyrics are the words to a song. 

