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This week we are going to be working with this video clip called 'The Bridge'.

Watch the clip then complete the tasks on pages 2 to 6.

Completing the WordSearch will be the end of your English tasks for today. wink


You can print this activity pack or answer the questions in your busy book.

We will use this activity booklet for the rest of the week wink


Today you will work more on telling the time.
First, click on the 'White Rose Maths' icon below to watch the video lesson and then click below it for your twinkl activity: match the times.

You have a enlightenedchallengeenlightened below that game too.

Video Lesson:

Lesson 3 - Durations of time




enlightened  Challenge enlightened


Today you will be working on recognising your feelings.


It's ok to feel the way you do, otherwise, you wouldn't be you.


Click below to start the task.


Don't worry about creating a time capsule - it's ok if you haven't done this.

Complete the activity by drawing and writing down your feelings and drawing the happiness jar.

