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This week, we are continuing to teach children to explore sounds they can make with their voice and encouraging them to respond to a symbol with a specific sound.

This will prepare children when they learn to make the different sounds of letters (phonics).


As children will have heard fireworks and may have seen fireworks shows on TV, we will be making sounds like fireworks:

  • "whooooosh" like a rocket
  • "wweeeeeeeeeeeee" like a spinning Catherine wheel
  •  shouting, "BANG!" when the banger explodes
  •  saying short/ quick "pop, pop, pop", sounds, imitating the sound of sparklers.
We will also be exploring musical instruments to see if we can make some sounds like the fireworks.

Our Nursery rhyme for this week is 'Incy Wincy Spider'.

We will be doing lots of activities to help ALL children learn this rhyme.

As well as saying and singing the rhyme, we will be playing, colouring, drawing and writing the rhyme too.

Incy Wincy Spider
