Today can you practise reading the words with these sounds in ?
In Phonics when we are finding how many syllables in a word, we put our hand under our chin as we say it and count how many times our chin moves. Can you find out how many syllables are in the words below?
Don't forget to login to Bug Club and read the stories we have set for you. Click the image below to go.
Read Write Inc lessons are happening daily. Click the image below to watch and join in.
Can you find the answers?
A cat has 4 legs.
Altogether, how many legs do 2 cats have?
Altogether, how many legs do 3 cats have?
Altogether, how many legs to 4 cats have?
Visit White Rose Maths by clicking the image below. Watch the lesson and see if you can complete the activity. Week 2 WC 27.4.20
Don't forget to keep practising your counting and doubling too!
Today in PSHE we are thinking about people who are special to us and why?
Can you talk about people who are special to you?
Why are they special?
What do they do to help you?
Now can you draw a picture of these special people and write about them?
Visit the Red Cross page by clicking the image below. Here you will find activities based around kindness. You can also create your own kindness calendar.