I am delighted to be able to now tell everyone about our GOOD Ofsted Result from our Inspection just before the summer holidays.
This is fantastic news and an improvement on our disappointment 4 years ago. I cannot thank enough all our Staff, Governors, Children and Our Families for all your help, support and hard work over the years which has helped us achieve this great and justly deserved reward.
Please read the report below, it gives us some excellent points for improvement, which we will include in our Annual School Development Plan and is very complimentary about so many aspects of school life.
The Inspectors were especially impressed by your children's excellent behaviour and attitude to work, Thankyou.
"Pupils said of their music lessons ‘when we sing, we sing in unison’. This sums up the way pupils interact. They respect each other. Pupils’ positive attitudes help to make the school a happy and harmonious place." OFSTED 2022
Lawrence truly is a very special place to be... Where Everyone is Valued.