Welcome to the Year 3 page
Could you please make sure your child has their PE kit on PE days.
The children will have homework to complete on Google Classroom, TT Rockstars, MyMaths, Bug Club and Mirodo. Please make sure your children have all of the passwords they need at home.
Curriculum Intent
We want our Year 3 children to be open minded, independent, respectful, resilient, active, creative and forward thinking.
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term | |
English | Chat Show Challenge | ||
Maths |
Fractions linked to division Measurement
| |
Science | Rocks and Soils Forces and Magnets | Animals Including Humans | Light |
Art | Van Gogh | Indian Art | Plant Art |
DT | We are Pop Up Designers | We are Jamaican Food Designers | We are Textile Designers |
History | What was new about the New Stone Age? | How unpleasant were the Bronze and Iron Ages? | How much did the Ancient Egyptians achieve? |
Geography | Where on Earth are we? | Can the Earth shake, rattle and roll? | Do we like to live beside the seaside? |
PE | REAL PE - Skills Agility, Balance, Co-ordination, Power, Reaction time, Speed | Dance P.E. Batting and Fielding | Multisports Bowling, Batting, Catching and Fielding |
Spanish | Name, age, feelings, where you live Numbers 1 – 10 (in and out of sequence, add) Body parts Colours | Days of the week and months Odd and even numbers to 31 Animal nouns Personal questions | Sports and Opinions Random order/backward numbers |
Computing | We are Programmers We are Debuggers | We are Presenters | We are Vloggers We are Opinion Pollsters |
Music | Enjoying Improvisation | Three Little Birds | Reflect, Rewind and Replay |
PSHE | Being Me in My World Celebrating Difference | Dreams and Goals Healthy Me | Relationships Changing Me |
RE | L2.6 Why do some people think that life is like a journey and what significant experiences mark this? Christian or Hindu people L2.7 What does it mean to be Christian in Britain today? Christians | L2.2 Why is the Bible so important for Christians today? Christians | L2.1 What do different people believe about God? Hindus - compare with Christians, and Muslims L2.4 Why do people pray? Christians, Hindus and Muslims |
PSHE | Being Me in My World Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of diff. faiths & beliefs Celebrating Difference Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of diff. faiths & beliefs | Dreams & Goals Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of diff. faiths & beliefs Healthy Me Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of diff. faiths & beliefs | Relationships Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of diff. faiths & beliefs Changing Me Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those of diff. faiths & beliefs |
Teachers from year 4 Yard take their children down first and return last.
Sanitiser will be available before and after break time.
Daily Structure Y3/4 Quarter
8.45 entrance through main gate, met by SMT/Mentor, guided to stairs by LSO, hand gel applied, keep to left up stairs on way to class.
10.30 playtime:
Y4 on far yard first with either Y4 teacher or Y4 LSO
Y3 on near yard with either Y3 teacher or Y3 LSO
Y3 back first followed by Y4
Children hand gelled on way out and back
Children keep to left in way back to Y3
Same routine at lunchtime
Children get half hour out and half hour in having lunch
Y3 leave at 3.10
Y4 leave at 3.20
LSO hand gelling on way out
Children stay with adult until SMT let them leave.
If you're worried about mental health, wellbeing, or if you have any questions, speak to an adult that you trust. It might be a teacher or an older relative.
You might wish to speak to your local doctor or you can also ring Childline for free on 0800 11 11. This number does not show up on your phone bill.