Today is Thrilling Thursday!
The thrill for today is to play with bubbles! Play with your child; washing up bubbles in a bowl of warm water or with bubbles in a pot, out in the yard if possible. Your child can roll up their sleeves and have an apron on if they have one.
When they play, they can take turns with you to have a splash/blow. Have a good look at the bubbles. How do the bubbles feel? Can you touch them without them popping? How many can you pop?
Language and Literacy
Say a sentence using ‘bubble’ words!
bubbles water soap foam wash
round circle light transparent
float drift pop bounce
shiny wet blow rainbow
sparkle air soap bar
Challenge; Can your child say a sentence with two of these words in? ‘The bubbles went up and then pop!’
Make it a bit easier As your child plays with the bubbles, say a word at a time and your child may copy you. Repeat this.
Mini Maths
Count aloud the bubbles your child blows!
Look and show the ‘big’ bubbles and the ‘small’ bubbles.
Look and show the colours you can see in the bubbles!
Storytime Choose your favourite story from the 'Storytime' button on the previous page. Enjoy!