Curriculum Intent
In Mathematics, we want our children to be open minded, independent, respectful, resilient, active, creative and forward thinking.
We want our children to confidently use Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract resources to help them with their Mathematics.
We want our children to be Fluent in Mathematics.
We want our children to be able to Reason in Mathematics.
We want our children to be able to Solve Problems in Mathematics.
When our children have been taught a particular set of number facts such as the bonds to 10, 100 or 1000 or the x tables up to 12, or a specific skill such as counting in tens or hundreds, they need to keep these fresh in their heads. We aim to ensure this happens regularly through our 4-a-day practice.
At the centre of our Mathematics curriculum, we want our children to enjoy what they are learning. As such, we are using more computer based modelling and interactive games to support this.
Curriculum Overview
(Knowledge Engagers courtesy of Ricky McCurdy and Sarah Farrell)
Our Mathematics planning is adapted from White Rose and Collins Busy Ant (teacher login required).
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term | ||||
EYFS | ||||||
Y1 | Fractions of number and shapes Addition and Subtraction Multiplication and Division Measures - Height / Weight / Length / Capacity/ Time / Money | Multiplication and Division Position and Direction Sequencing events in chronological order Word Problems Measures - Height / Weight / Length / Capacity/ Time / Money | ||||
Y2 | Fractions of a length, shape, set of objs. or quantity Measuring Money, Times Length, Height, Mass, Temperature and Capacity | Patterns and Relationships in Shape Problem Solving and Reasoning in number using all 4 operations | ||||
Y3 | Fractions linked to Multiplication and Division Measurement | Number: Fractions Geometry: Property of Shapes Measurement Statistics | ||||
Y4 |
Multiplication and Division Measurement of Area and Perimeter Multiplication and Division (preparation for Multiplication Test)
| Multiplication and Division Measurement of Time, Angles and Money Fraction and Decimal Problem Solving and Reasoning Geometry - Properties of Shapes Position and Direction | Data - Statistics Negative Numbers Roman Numerals Multiplication (formal written layout) Geometry - Coordinates | |||
Y5 | Mental Addition and Subtraction Multiplic. & Div: Written Methods
| Multiplic. & Division Problem Solving and Reasoning Fraction and Dec. Prob. solving and Reasoning
| Problem Solving and Reasoning Fractions and Multiples
| |||
Y6 | Addition and sub. Multiplic. & Division Fractions Algebra | Measures, Scales, 2D &3D Shapes Data handling and statistics Co-ordinates Ratio and Proportion | Fracs & percents of amounts Tests of divisibility Inverse operations Multi-step probs & Reasoning | Problem Solving and Reasoning | Revision |
Curriculum Impact
In every Mathematics lesson, teachers mark books regularly to progress with their short-term planning. We offer the best possible support for all of our pupils, including our EAL children. Skills in Mathematics develop each year.
Our staff use baseline assessments to regularly assess what the children know as the topic progresses and inform their future planning.
Assessment information is integral to our monitoring cycle. Our monitoring cycle is developed at the beginning of each academic year. Monitoring in Mathematics includes: lesson observations, book scrutinies and pupil voice.
We use the ‘STAR’ approach in Maths at Lawrence. This is a whole school, mixed ability method used to increase vocabulary attainment. The acronym ‘STAR’ stands for Select, Teach, Activate and Review. It is considered particularly useful for pupils with additional needs and pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL).
Mathematics Learning Walk
Mrs. Taylor, our Chair of Governors and Mr. Keenan visited EYFS, KS1 and KS2 to see all of the wonderful mathematics going on at Lawrence.
They saw the children using all kinds of things to help them understand the things being taught in class. Mrs. Taylor was really impressed at how well our children could speak about their mathematics.
Assessment, Progress and the Curriculum for Mathematics at Lawrence
"My Maths"
We are using My Maths in school and each child has online access at home as well. If you need your password, please see your teacher or Mr. Keenan.
Websites to Support Mathematics
Here are some more useful websites that will support you with your Mathematics at home.