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This week, we are teaching children to listen carefully to sounds they can hear at the beginning of words.

At this stage we are focussing on listening to sounds and NOT letter shapes.


Make the sound: "sssssssssssss" like a snake. Ask your child to join in with you.

Then, say "ssss- sock". Ask your child to join in with you and repeat, "ssss- sock". 

Then, say "ssss- spoon". Ask your child to join in with you and repeat, "ssss- spoon".

Then, say "ssss- sun". Ask your child to join in with you and repeat, "ssss- sun".


Make the sound: "mmmmmmmm". Ask your child to join in with you.

Then, say "mmm- mouth". Ask your child to join in with you and repeat, "mmm mouth". 

Then, say "mmm- man". Ask your child to join in with you and repeat, "mmm man".

Then, say "mmm mop". Ask your child to join in with you and repeat, "mmm mop".


Challenge- Look at the pictures below and name them with your child. can they tell you the sound (sssss or mmmm) at the start of the name of the object.


We are continuing to learn the rhyme 'Incy Wincy Spider' this week, saying and singing the rhyme and pausing so that children can fill in the rhyming words.

We will also be playing, colouring, drawing and writing the rhyme too.

Incy Wincy Spider
