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This week, we are teaching children to explore sounds they can make with their voice.

This will prepare children when they learn to make the different sounds of letters of the alphabet.


As children will have seen lots of Halloween items in the shops and there have been Halloween shows on TV, we will be trying lots of spooky sounds. You could try:

  • making a 'meowwww' sound like a cat
  • making a 'wwoooooooooo' sound like a spoooky ghost
  • making a 'ha ha ha ha aha ha' cackling witch sound
  • making a 'oooowwwwwww' howling sound like a wolf
  • making NO SOUND or a quiet 'shhh' as you hide from a wicked witch! 

We will also be making sounds like fireworks:

  • "whooooosh" like a rocket
  • "wweeeeeeeeeeeee" like a spinning Catherine wheel
  • shouting, "BANG!" when the banger explodes

Voice Sounds

Look at these other voice sounds activities you can do with your child.

We sing lots of different nursery rhymes and songs in school.

Join in with the songs below:


Wind The Bobbin Up

Incy Wincy Spider
