If your child is confident recognising all of the set 1 sounds, and can read words such as ship, king, bat, and clap, without any support, then click here to learn the set 2 sounds.
Set 1 Sounds Lesson
Today, we are going to learn all about the 'o' sound .
Parents: Look at the pictures below with your child. Say each object name, and ask your child to repeat after you.
Parents: Look at the pictures below with your child. Point to one of the pictures, and ask your child whether it is 'o' or 'o-o-orange.' Repeat a few times, getting quicker each time.
Now, practice saying these sounds.
Handwriting Time
In your busy work books, practice writing today's sound 'o'. Don't forget to use the rhyme to help you!
Now, practice writing these sounds.
If you have a printer at home, you can print out the above worksheets, by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page.
Word Time
Can you Fred talk, read, the words below?
Parents: Ask your child to write the following words in their busy work books.
Boys and girls, remember to use your 'Fred Fingers' to help you.
Words to write: jog, dad, jam
As a challenge, your child could write a simple sentence: Put jam on.
Before we finish, click on the link below to read one of these books to your grown up.
Chat on the Mat Time
Today, at Chat on the Mat Time, we are going to continue learning about the human life cycle.
The photograph below shows the different stages of the life cycle.
Parents: Please talk through what happens during each stage of the human life cycle with your child. Click on the link below to help you
Super Learning Reception!
Now, it's time for your challenge. The photograph below is a human timeline. Today's challenge is to draw your own human timeline in your busy books
. We want you to show what you looked like when you were a baby, a toddler, what you look like now, and what you think you will look like as an adult.
Thinking Time: Whilst you complete this activity, think about the different things you could do when you were a baby, a toddler, what you can do now, and what you will be able to do when you grow up.
Super Challenge Time: If your brain is ready for a super challenge today, complete the sentences below, in your busy work books.
When I was a baby, I ....
Now I am big, I can ...
Maths Time
Today, at Maths Time, we are going to practice writing our numbers 0-9, and then play some games to practice our maths skills but first, let's play a quick game of 'Missing Numbers'. Tell your grown up the missing numbers in the number lines below
0 1 2 __ 4 5 6 __ 8 9 10 11 __ 13 14 __ 16
6 7 __ 9 10 __ 12 13 __ 15 16 __ __ 19 20
9 10 11 __ __ 14 15 __ 17 __ __ 20 21 __ 23
Super! Now, let's practice writing our numbers click on the rhymes below to help you!
Surprise Time
After another busy week, its time for our weekly surprise time. Click on the video below, to watch a new cartoon called 'Titch'. Titch is the youngest and smallest in his family. His brother Pete and his sister Mary have bigger bikes, kites that fly higher, and instruments that make bigger noises. But, when Titch plants a tiny seed, they all find that starting off small is just the first stage of growing