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Shakespeare Week


About Shakespeare Week


Shakespeare Week is a national annual celebration giving primary school aged children opportunities for enriching and enjoyable early experiences of Shakespeare. It is one of the pathways to Shakespeare provided by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust for people of all ages and stages of interest. You can access hundreds of free resources including online workshops, storytellings and cross curricular resources linked to Shakespeare's works, life and times on this website. Our wonderful creative teaching resources are available year-round.


Learn all about the great man here:

Our Year 4 Shakespeare Project


Darcey and Mia were in charge of our Shakespeare Project this week and they worked with Jay'von, Nathan and Gabriel to find out as much as they could about William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare by Aiman Yagob

William Shakespeare was born on 23rd April 1564 with a family of three. He was in a wealthy family.


He got married when he was 18 he married a woman called Anne Hathaway. They had two children.


In the mid 80s, William left Stratford and went to London. He stayed there for a while.


William Shakespeare performed lots of plays in front of Queen Elizabeth I and many of them were made into cartoons and films.


Shakespeare invented more than 300 words that are well known today.


William Shakespeare died on 23rd April 1616 and everyone was very unhappy.


William Shakespeare by Eman Yagob 


William Shakespeare was born on 23rd April 1564 in England.


In the 1580s, William left Stratford and arrived in London. When he first arrived, people thought he was a horse attendant at a few of London’s theatres. He earned lots of money as an actor and a playwright.


William many of Shakespeare’s plays were performed in front of Queen Elizabeth. Some of them have been turned into films and cartoons.


Shakespeare invented over 250 words and most of them are well-known today. 

On 23rd April 1616, William Shakespeare sadly died. 

William Shakespeare by Hasanat Salam

William Shakespeare Fact File by Ania Azari


William Shakespeare was born on April the 23rd and he also died on April 23rd His occupation was a story teller, actor and writer. He was known for writing plays such as:

  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Hamlet
  • Macbeth


William's Father was a successful leather merchant. Shakespeare was the third of six children including two older sisters and three older brothers.


When William turned eighteen he fell in love with Anne Hathaway. Anna was eight years older than William (twenty-six). They both had children together twins called Hamnet and Judith, a daughter called Susanna.


Shakespeare wrote plays for the Lord Chamberlain's men. His plays became very popular in London. This made Shakespeare a very wealthy man. William retired to his home in Stratford and died on his fifty-second birthday. He introduced 3000 words to the English language.


If it wasn't for his great acting, storytelling and writing he wouldn't be the great man the world know him as today. 
