Good morning, everyone. let's start the day by singing our 'song of the week': 'Mary, Mary, quite contrary..'. If you need some help or have forgotten the tune, there is a clip on Monday's page.
Today is Wiggle Wednesday and children love to move to the music sharing their own ideas for actions and developing physical skills while copying the actions shown. Join in everybody....
The next piece of music was written by a man called Vivaldi, who was thinking about flowers growing and the sunshine in the Spring as he wrote this piece of music.
Watch the clip first to look at how the dancers move to the music, on their tip-toes and with arms outstretched. Then have a try at copying some of their movements as you listen to the music.
Language and Literacy
Go for a walk today and look and talk about the signs of spring you see:
When you return home you could draw a picture of all the things you saw and talked about on your walk.
REMEMBER- please stay at least 2 metres away from others to ensure you are safe.
If you are reluctant or unable to go for a walk outside, watch the clip below instead:
Mini Maths/ Storytime
Today you are going to re-read the book 'Plant a Tiny Seed', taking time to notice and count lots of the things you see in the book. Please help children to count accurately, carefully touching each item once and saying a number name for each. (Please remind children that the total is the last number spoken)
How many....? seeds? plants? leaves? flowers? butterflies? bees? clouds? hummingbirds? raindrops?
Enjoy the rest of your day and remember you can send an email to let us know how you are at : to contact Mrs Colby. to contact Mrs Davies
We would love to hear from you. Take care