Phonics Time
If your child is confident recognising all of the set 1 sounds, and can read words such as ship, king, bat, and clap, without any support, then click on the set 2 sounds icon.
Super Singing! Today, at Maths Time, we are going to continue learning about telling half past times. First, let's play a game with The Big Bad Wolf. Click on the picture below, to read his instructions.
Point to the correct clock to match each mischievous activity.
1. At half past 2, I blew down the three little pigs house.
2. At half past 4, I scared little red riding hood.
3. At half past 7, I followed Jack up the beanstalk.
4. At half past 9, I chased the three billy goats gruff.
Super Challenge Time
In your busy books, draw 3 clocks, like this:
Can you make a clock show the time half past 3?
Can you make a clock show the time half past 9?
Can you make a clock show the time half past 10?
Super Maths Reception.
Story Time
Today's story is called 'The Enormous Turnip'. A farmer plants a turnip which grows so big that he cannot pull it up by himself. He asks his wife for help, and together, they still cannot pull it out of the ground. Who will help them? Click on the link below to listen to this fantastic story.