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Today's task is on page 14 of your TalkforWriting booklet by Emma Caulfeild.
Click the magpie above to go to it.

Now that you have created a fantastic Elf story plan put your ideas onto a story mountain, this will help you to order your story so that you can write it tomorrow. 

Draw a mountain in your busy book with the subheadings Beginning, Middle and End.

Use the mountain below from the TalkforWriting booklet to help you.

This will be your first draft of your story, you are becoming a super author.



Today you will be working on number bonds.
First, click on the 'White Rose Maths' icon below. Watch the video lesson:

Summer Term – Week 4 (w/c 11th May)

Lesson 4 - Bonds to 100 (tens and ones)



Then, click on the BBC Bitesize icon and use 'Karate Cats Maths' to practise your maths skills.


If you get stuck, click below, use the BBC Bitsize slideshow to help you. 



Log in to Yumu and continue to learn the Friendship Song and have fun with the music activities and that we have made available to you.


If you are not sure what your username and password are please contact your teacher by email:
Miss Collins - 
Mrs Marsden - 


Happy Singing!


You can also use the BBC website for your music learning by clicking the
BBC Bitesize icon below.

