Home Page



Today we are continuing to work on our final set of fantastic TalkforWriting activities.
Click below to go to the Year 2 Home learning booklet.

We are working with a poem written by Edward Lear called The Quangle Wangle's Hat.

Today complete the creative activity on page10: create your own hat

enlightenedChallengeenlightenedwrite a short description of your hat, use commas and adjectives.




Today you will work continue to work on measurement.
First, click on the 'White Rose Maths' icon below to watch the video lesson and then click below it for your activity on the BBC website.

Complete Activity One on the BBC website, read the information and look at the examples before completing the task - if you are not able to complete the task with water complete the volume level on Karate cats instead.

Video Lesson:

Summer Term - Week 10 (w/c 29th June)
Lesson 4 - Millilitres




Don't forget about TT Rockstars and My Maths   


Log in to Yumu and continue to learn, practise and have fun with the music activities and songs that we have made available to you.


If you are not sure what your username and password are, as always, please contact your teacher by email:
Miss Collins - 
Mrs Marsden - 


Happy Singing & Music Making! yes



You can also use the BBC website for your music learning by
clicking the BBC Bitesize icon below.




 enlightenedChallenge - learn the lyrics to a song that you love heart


are the words to a song. 
