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May 2020

May jobs!


Staked and re-covered peas. Staked broad beans.

Planted out flowers from the polytunnel to large pots and beds: sunflowers and nasturtiums.

Shored up the potatoes.

Planted out veg seedlings from polytunnel to beds: courgettes, pumpkin & squash, broccoli, kohl rabi, sprouts and climbing beans.

Netted fruit bushes and brassica.

Strimmed paths and edges of plot.

Harvested lettuce and radish.

General weeding of beds and borders.

Took lots of green waste to tip.

Sowed purple sprouting broccoli, more radish, lettuce & sweetcorn.

Thinned beetroot & turnip.

Added leaf mould to compost bins.

Watered, watered, watered ️  


The fruit trees and bushes have flowered, the artichoke and rhubarb are growing, the gooseberries are getting bigger.

There is a great (or coal) tit nesting in a traffic cone on the allotment path by our plot. 
